Thursday, October 1, 2009

this week's interviewing

Please reply in the comments with groups you intend to interview.

Questions to ask them

1. Have you/are you interested in volunteering or working in Somerville?
2. If yes, what kind of project or work was it? What services or educational resources are you providing in Somerville?
3. What "economic recovery assets" do/could you bring to Somerville?
4. How large is your organization on campus?
5. What other groups are you connected with on campus? What about off campus?
6. What is your most permanent contact information? (Group e-mail address, website)
7. (If relevant) What is your perception of the economic crises as it pertains to Somerville?

Tags to use

1. Education
2. Services
3. Volunteer
4. Potential
5. Actual
6. Tufts student
7. Media
8. Other (use lots of tags)


  1. I have a question. How can I unlink? I accidentally link the wrong network... :(

  2. We're working on a way to delete relationships. Should be coming soon.

  3. There is now a "delete" button by each relationship.

  4. I'll be contacting the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute's Community Outreach Project this week.
