Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Today while interviewing a member of Trunk in order to add their node to the social network map, I caught a little glimpse of how useful this social network map could be. He explained to me how Trunk put on free shows at area schools and how they were always looking for more schools to partner with. I then explained to him how the goal of the website was to connect people and organizations. He was really excited by this potential for Trunk to connect with more schools and now I am really excited by the website's potential to connect organizations like Trunk with organizations who want their services.


  1. I had a similar experience while interviewing a member of YET in order to add their node. I picked Young Entrepreneurs of Tufts, because as an organization focused on business, I figured they might have some useful resources to help the community, or members with particular skills. However, after the interview, I realized it was more than that. Not only does YET have potential, I realized, but so does the map. Like the member of Trunk, the member of YET expressed interest in the potential volunteer opportunities that the club would otherwise be unaware of. After talking with a member of club which is very focused on networking, I began to think about social networking in a different way. Usually, when I traditionally think about networking, I think about how it can help me. For instance, by meeting a person at an event and getting their card, I think about how I am gaining a potential job opportunity, but I often forget that when I exchange contact information with that person I am a potential resource to them, too. Talking to YET reminded me how many different ways all the nodes we put on the map can flow. It is really exciting to think after completing our assignment there will be over 10 more nodes on the map and alone how many different ways they could connect.

  2. very true. we would just have to get these organizations to enlist in the map so they could see the different organizations themselves

  3. Wow! The funny think is... I have that thought also when I'm interviewing with the Peace Games organization, Emily. I think it's just because we usually think about ourselves and how it can benefit us; and never think that others can benefit from us also.
