Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I talked with Gabrielle Green who is the contact person for Teaching in CORES, which is a group on campus which provides English language and citizenship classes to immigrants at the Committee for Refugees from El Salvadore (CORES) community in Somerville. CORES is associated with the Institute for Global Leadership here at Tufts. Gabrielle had to delay our actual conversation due to other commitments, but I am very interested to learn how this group interacts with the Somerville community, within the El Salvadorian community and beyond. I know that when my brother was at Tufts (A09) he worked with CORES, and was very active in Somerville, and with his students. He worked outside of the classes and formal instruction to help people get jobs, interview skills, and other necessary tools for being an engaged part of the community and economic cycle. I await a more detailed conversation with Gabrielle, so that I can obtain more than anecdotal information. I will add my CORES node under the 'education' tag, but it will be incomplete... I will update it as soon as I make further contact with Gabrielle.

1 comment:

  1. This is just a side-note: I am interested in knowing why this group only focuses on the "El Salvadorian" community in Somerville. I would think there are a lot of other minority groups in need of help in Somerville? They must have some reason for specifically focusing on this community. This may be of interest to us in targeting certain organizations to help certain groups of people in Somerville. Just a thought.
